17 Jan 2012

Reggie Middleton: State Education - An army of slaves or a slave army of rule followers

Excerpts from Capital Account's Interview of Reggie Middleton & his views on education, class struggle and the dumbing down of America. Reggie uses his 5 year old daughter as an example of someone who was labeled as unable to read at advanced kindergarten level, yet somehow can parse emails from PhDs, MBAs and other clients of Reggie's BoomBustBlog.
Even if you have seen this popular interview with Lauren Lyster already, this remix is well worth your time.
The first 3 and a half minutes are quite telling.... Source

Angelo: "An army of slaves or a slave army of rule followers." having some experience of the difference in the quality and type of UK education, I found that statement to be a powerful crystallisation of my own view. Even in private education there is a difference in the intent. I saw a good example of this in the difference of the quality of teaching and curriculum in sciences. In the best school, science was taught for 'O' levels as three distinct subjects, physics, chemistry and biology, whereas in the worst school under a name I do not recall for unified sciences there simply appeared a basic diagram of the internal combustion engine and that was the study for that week! Leaders and free thinkers or car mechanics and menial workers? I have much respect for Reggie and am inclined to believe that he is pointing to the US parallel. Our countries share these issues.