9 Aug 2012

The real fraud here is the whole damn EU/Eurozone/ECB scam

A voice for the damned: Excuse me, but since when does a nation printing its own money constitutes fraud and some of you even deem it immoral? Are so into this system that you cannot see any other way of doing things? Even if this was done for centuries before the Fed and ECB were created?
The real fraud here is the whole damn EU/Eurozone/ECB scam which ends up stealing huge chunks of the national wealth of the nations and punp it to the black hole called banking system! The whole EU project is wrong, because it was designed to benefit the banking cartel and not countries and societies.
Now the act of printing fiat money via the ECB and selling that to the private banks which then sells it to the nations business is coming to an end. Countries and societies need to print their own money and return back to their real economies (even though you Friedman disciples dispute that societies don’t actually exist and state that the only real thing that really exists in reality is money, while nobody believes you).
To you europhiles everywhere, this story (Greece Prints Euros To Stay Afloat) is the absolute proof that the EU is crumbling down before your media blinded eyes. It is not happening because of the evil Greek mentality, but because of the way the EU and the Eurozone was built.
Everything else, all your sarcastic hateful comments and your childish frat remarks are made due the fact that you are totally clueless to the fact that countries, reality, the needs of whole societies and the way this planet works are based on poltics, which returns with a vengeance and not economics. We need politicians, kings, emperors and ministers, not accountants, execs and bankers! Playing corporation with nations is the single most dangerous suicidal thing humanity ever did. And now it is officially FUBAR!
You don’t believe me? You think that reality, politics and economy is playing executive in some corner office, ripping your customers forever, because you feed the politicians well to protect you? Just wait a few more months, develop some resistance to the propaganda the media feeds you and you will see what Greeks now see: The abyss at the end of the road coming up full speed. An abyss where according to legend, Communism fell to its doom some years ago. The Abyss of History. Its a very scary sight. And along the sides of the road leading to the abyss, you will see many corpses, not just the weak that the system now kills in places like Greece and Spain, but also corpses of the people that led all of us there. Source

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