3 Nov 2012


Former 20 year CIA veteran, Clare Lopez: Jordan is targeted! Saudi Arabia is targeted!
  • Could the Obama Administration’s Fast and Furious gunrunning operation to the Mexican drug cartels be simply a dress rehearsal for a much larger gunrunning operation to al Qaida-linked and other Jihadist groups in Libya and, more ominously, Syria?
  • Is the Obama Administration running guns into other Jihadist hot spots?
  • Does the United States of America have troops in Jordan?
  • Was Ambassador Stevens our operational officer in a gunrunning operation to al Qaida linked groups that had “gone wrong?”
  • Did the Obama Administration set Stevens up and leave him (with former Navy Seals, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods and computer expert, Sean Smith) to die?
  • Did President, Secretary Clinton, General Petraeus and others have fore-knowledge?
  • Others?
  • Who else knows now?
  • Does Governor Romney know now?
These and other questions and more were raised yesterday in a conversation between Glen Beck and former CIA agent Clair Lopez.
Beck: “Why is the media not asking these questions?” And, “What happens if we let the President off and nobody pursues this?”
Lopez: “Then we have failed in our duty—as citizens, as journalists. This has to be brought up this has to be made known to the public that this is going on and that our Administration not only was working with the bad guys—was working with al Qaida linked militias and Jihadis to overthrow Assad in Syria. But that they let out mission go down, they let our Ambassador and others die—in real time, watching it happen and they didn’t do anything about it.”
.  . . . Beck, “While this was going down—the President went to bed!”
The 13 minute interview is in two segments on You Tube. It is so full of explosive information, I strongly urge you to watch it all at least twice. Here is part I followed part II:

Glenn Beck uses his signature visual aides to sort it all out:

And Frank Gaffney speaks:  Obama’s Middle East Fast & Furious? 


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