17 Nov 2012

BUSTED! Israel is Raping Gaza and Cyprus: First they came for the Palestinians, today they have come for the Greeks and for you. We should bar Israel from having an army! WWII style

The video title is "BUSTED! Israel is Raping Gaza of Palestinian Gas Reserves. THOU SHALL NOT STEAL." Why does my instinct tell me that the deal with Cyprus off shore gas is a similar shakedown. The genius part is convincing the Greek Cypriots that the 10% they will get as part of the deal is a hard but fair deal whereas the reality is that any cut will be siphoned off to line the pockets of... you guessed it, invariably Israeli banksters. As far as I can see the Jewish oligarchs have been all powerful for several hundred years, encouraging depravity and war and using their control of finance in a shameful manner. When I relate the world of today to the world of Hitler, no doubt they snuck up on him too. Had he gassed their banksters, the real bastards of that race. I am not a socialist. I am for a free market, the current crony fascism is not a free market, but now that we have seen the deception, I suggest that sovereign states simply nationalize their wealth and have done with it. I am with Roseanne Barr on this one, Anyone not content with $100,000,000... after therapy... The gas chamber!

Well, come on England, USA, France and Germany... We have to get the ball rolling and it starts with dismantling our MIC Empires.

Do what was done to Germany and Japan after WWII, take Israel and let's face it all the Jews (as complicit with zionism as the Germans were to Naziism) out of the control loop for a generation or two, they will survive, even thrive, it will do them good.

That's it. We should bar Israel from having an army! Just surround it and then trade food for guns until they are clean of their dirty habits.

I have sometimes been ashamed to be Greek, I could barely live with myself and my association with Israel if I were a Jew today.

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