9 May 2013

Modern Bankocratic Shills vs Universal Modern Debt Jubilee + LK & WB7

Angelo Agathangelou: Recount your own experience of promises made and then witness the lot of the leader of a party, Clegg or indeed even Cameron and then imagine the position of a lowly councilor or backbench MP. Then cast your eyes to the unelected ex Goldman Sucks brigade of so called technocrats running amok on the continent. Surely even the lame stream media version of events shows the utter falsehood of premise of even the apparently elected party politicians and therefore the aged inadequacy of our entire current political system.
Having worked with the conservatives whilst campaigning for father’s rights, this has been my experience at first hand and I report it out of a sense of duty to the many local people, every day individuals under a yoke of oppression who have shown much support. I repeat there is no real democracy in a group of more than 150 people and as I have been saying and pushing here since 2006 the only way forward is open direct government and the scrapping of all restrictive laws, corporate self interest laws etc., or all restrictive laws save for the protection of the individual and their tangible property (under £100,000,000).
I do not accept the notion of intellectual property. It is hegemony by another name and by no means free market capitalism.
I was born to copy and therefore I speak and write.
The money backing the conservative leaflets i.e. the life’s blood of local politics at that time was largely Australian bankster derived
, before it fled as we can now see having better foresight (comprehension of their Ponzi scheme) of the financial turmoil to come. With a Zionist Mayor, bankster and MIC councilors/MP’s in tow. What a surprise. You can easily research specifics and I’ll be happy to flesh out your findings from an insider’s perspective.
Wonder if our local snooze-papers would bother to research that? Doubt it, seems like part of the cabal. I had to complain to the editor as that shill rag ‘The Bristol Evening Post' fucked up just about every socially relevant story we sent their way, particularly our most important campaign to save local businesses in Redfield/St George high street. We presented a petition signed by thousands of locals, bearing in mind that less than 2000 ticks can secure the position of a local councilor in this minor MIC/University city measured in hundreds of thousands not millions, the rag completely misrepresented the peoples stated concerns.
I am sad to report/confirm that Bristol city, UK is the heart of darkness, the center for father raping courts in the region of child molesting social services and an utter festering den of iniquity and inequity. Most suffer in silence.
Ask me any question and I will tell you no lie. Be safe, but not at the cost of your freedom, lest you deserve neither. My beloved lets get down to business, mental self defensive fitness… in order to fight the powers that be.(From P.E.) 

Love Angelo

P.S. Hands up who would be bothered if there was a world wide 100% tax on all assets of over £100,000,000 and 'World War 3' on the global terror of Billionaires to exclude the possibility of their flight? Pursue those who won't come peacefully to the ends of the earth. Credit crisis solved. I call it 'Universal Modern Debt Jubilee' The relatively bloodless war I could live with. Anyway I would go after them with bunker busting tranquilizers. Lets flip the script and divide an conquer 'those' bastards. There are several billion of us vs a few thousand pigs at the trough, you would think the odds were in our favour. Awaken a few more sheeple and who knows.

Direct government vote card... Propositions:
a] Attack Syria ... NO!
b] End Bankocracy ... YES!
c] End copyright and patent ... YES!
d] Redistribute wealth of over £100,000,000 ... why on earth not?

Additional note: We must do our best to help those afflicted with this dreadful addiction. Join our campaign to help the stupidly wealthy by relieving them of some of their burden. We think those with multiple walk in wordrobes full of shoes are a bit mad, when your friend has more than Liberia's deficit in his/her sky rocket you know he/she needs help. Do the same to any corporations that believe the corporation has the rights of an individual too. ;-)

The cookies that Mutti is baking
Has most of the Eurozone shaking
A nazi at heart
When it all falls apart
Their sovereignty she will be taking
The Limerick King

The German’s new weapon is “Nein”
They think that austerity’s fine
The deal has been made
A painful grenade
For everyone south of the Rhine

The Limerick King

Art by WB7

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