12 Jun 2013

Fathers Day Heroes in Parliament: Children 4 Justice - An Historic Anti-Misandrist Event

Angelo Agathangelou: Nadine O'Connor (Left with Angelo) is perhaps the greatest advocate for fathers rights I have ever heard speak. It's been a long day. There's video of the speakers and more to come when I wake up next. For now, it happened, it was an historic event, many eyes were opened, including George Galloway's and everyone agrees the system is tyrannical and that CAFCASS and Social Services are almost literally, the devil.

Kerry McCarthy MP gave me the same tired BS parry about cases being treated individually and that fathers don't need equal rights but then said she's not against them and its all in the best interests of the children (probably the same fob off women got regarding the vote, they don't really need it, we do treat them fairly on an individual basis). Of course anyone with two brain cells to rub together understands that 2nd class citizens are a recipe for what we've got... disaster. She said although she was a socialist she didn't like the idea of hearing the children out and in fact would rather hobnob with some business people to help sell WMD's to South Korea. (I have the letter and of course I am paraphrasing) Clearly she's a top student of Tony Blair.

It's obviously just jobs for the boys... and girls. Another asshole Councillor and friend of her's who died recently after having opposed a collection of locals trying to improve our local park has now had the children's area named after him. Ironically he was gay, so again the association with a children's play area he opposed eludes me doubly. And so it goes in our divided and conquered nanny state... Perhaps they should have named it after one of the many fathers that has died over these years of campaigning from the burden of a life time conditioning never to abandon their children and in the face of the yoke provided by the state of forced separation in the form of a bullying threat of deadly force against a vast majority of peaceful and harmless fathers. I hope by the next opportunity Kerry will have noticed the ever growing band of Children 4 Justice. Before she becomes another historical idiot at the heart of another form of child abuse scandal that this is. After all with over 36,000 members of F4J, larger than the Liberal Democrat Party and gunning for her own... It was only ever a matter of time, if we were right. I think this progression 'Children 4 Justice' shows clearly that we were and are. Children need their parents.

Final word: Taking away a child's peaceful father is a life rape of both. Can you imagine your loving father ripped from you and never being allowed to even speak of him again? Can you imagine your child out of reach behind a wall of shotgun bureaucracy for years? Welcome to the socially defunct UK meat-grinder.

Rose Spoke for Children 4 Justice

What a cool young lady, you can bet her (above Rose C4J Children for Justice) father is proud. Take that feminazis.. When inequality reigns, children and their fathers lose... and the children are growing up...

Besides this, I have to do a little more research first, but I may have an explosive interview or two to air regarding UK pedophilia and government cover up direct from a most senior and eminent lawyer along with confirmations and discussions of 39th degree freemasonry not only involved in the UK pedophilia but also WMD's and the international war of terror for oil connection.
Shocking stuff regarding Jimmie Saville and Rolf Harris, Lord McAlpine, Bush Snr., G W Bush Jnr. etc. from The 'Don' Jerrard of the Justice and Anti-Corruption Party. I'll review, research and post this soon. On the face of it, it's utterly bonkers must hear conspiracy fact. Stay tuned...

31st June Update: It will be a few days before I find the time to properly update nevertheless, I have my mind on a renewed campaign. Let's brainstorm, surely we can come up with something new, of course there is always our UK/US Orwellian war of terror for oil and gold resulting in the need to get permission for free speech and peaceful protest!? We must make another peaceful loving slap across the establishment message to convey the gravity and magnitude of the issue of a child's true best interests that stem from our fundamental human rights, a father and child's right to each other, that proverbial 'father love that dare not speak it's name in court'.

We continue to grow the mountains of evidence against a purposefully and often maliciously divisive and defunct UK state apparatus. That it took over a decade for a multi-award winning equal rights organization of such an enormous membership to get a simple formal discussion in government is proof beside the fact of "the Huge well of misery being created in our country today." Bob Geldof We continue to apply our intellect to further expose the rampant prejudice under the most stressful and horrific circumstances. After more than a decade of this baptism of fire I understand that the answer really is to turn it off, then turn it back on again. Gentlemen, ladies, we are in sore need of an evolution.

Study economics. Find out about Austrian school economics, sort of the normal maths for commerce uncomplicated 1 + 1 = 2 type stuff, dead easy then dip your toe into the ponzi alchemic world of Keynesian economics just long enough to get my drift or remember your own wacko economics lessons at school, that was Keynesian, that's why you couldn't understand it and that was the whole point. Their in lies a high level of our prison and the reason for so much folly.
Study anarchy. Not hooliganism or vandalism or the art of mayhem as you have been misdirected to believe the word to mean or ambiguously 'Absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.' Literally translated from the Greek, no boss. I believe the implication to a civilized person of anarchy is human life by mutual consent and a whole lot more personal responsibility. Sounds like the same hard work involved in raising a child, the most rewarding kind. Raising our society through anarchy? The powers that be won't like it.

Sounds like a cue for our next campaign, I've got it, We start the "Turkeys for Christmas Party!" ;-) Get in to redistribute and disband the lot, Ron Paul bureaucratic apocalypse style and back away from 1984 to freedom and individual responsibility. I'm quite happy with the similarly intended pirate party that's winning seats in Germany and beyond confronting another blight, the fascist patent and copyright oligarchs. Another infringement on our right to progress. They seem like a disparate enough group and on message. Seems like a direct vote for yourself, the 99.99%

Related: Death Of The West: Cultural Marxism And The Frankfurt School + WAR AGAINST BOYS - Feminism without Mercy + The Life and Death of Radical Feminism + Cultural Marxism for Dummies

Related: Fempocalypse!


Manic St Preachers: If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next 
(original F4J theme tune)

Fink - Yesterday Was Hard On All Of Us (Music Video) 

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