10 Sept 2013

Art Offends Feminists, So We'd Better Hide It To Protect Their Feelings

6oodfella: This is the sad story of censorship being victorious.
Just what do they have to ban before wider society sees how disgusting these feminists are?
Women are so oppressed, and face so much discrimination, that the National Organization For Women protest a piece of art that they have great difficulty interpreting. They're not protesting about women not being allowed to work, vote, drive, get an education, pay taxes, spend their own money, run a business, own property, wear what they want, or date whom they choose, no, there's a reason they have to search for pathetic examples of "Misogyny" and make a lot of noise about it, it's because western women are not oppressed in any way, shape, or form.

Video where I first heard about this story: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fb8tf7...

A Huffpost article about it: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/02...



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