14 Oct 2013

Men who want to atone for all bearers of the evil penis + The end of prison rape culture in the United States

By : It’s domestic violence awareness month, folks, and we are now in the latter half of another [not satire] month long national circle jerk, the entire domestic violence industry masturbating to a frenzy of trumped up stats and sadistically titillating lies.
We have flying spittle in the halls of congress, the antecedents of hysterical demands that we take on the worldwide cause of defending helpless women across the globe from their sorry lot in life as victims. We have grown men donning themselves in drag couture and walking a mile in “her shoes,” a sort of trendy, new age and humiliating self flagellation by men who want to atone for all bearers of the evil penis.
And we have a resurrected article from August of ’07, from the women at Jezebel.com (tip of the hat to the illustrious Dr. Snark) demonstrating how unrepentantly violent they really are, and how much they seem to enjoy it.
Senior writer Tracie Egan Morrissey penned the article, which addresses research findings reported in Psychiatric News that, In fact, when it comes to nonreciprocal violence between intimate partners, women are more often the perpetrators.”
Morrissey reacted to that oft ignored reality, after a query of her female readers for those who have beaten their boyfriends, with the following:

“…well, let’s just say it would be wise never to fuck with us.”
And of course the comment section that follows the article backs up her pro abuse attitude toward men. It is replete with women regaling us with stories of how they [not satire] kicked, hit, smashed and bloodied their boyfriends for doing the sometimes annoying things that men do. One women reported that she punched her ex in the face for having the audacity to get another girlfriend after they broke up.
[Fogg Alert! Satire!] That’s it. In the name of equality and fairness, I am proclaiming October to be Bash a Violent Bitch Month.
I’d like to make it the objective for the remainder of this month, and all the Octobers that follow, for men who are being attacked and physically abused by women - to beat the living shit out of them. I don’t mean subdue them, or deliver an open handed pop on the face to get them to settle down. I mean literally to grab them by the hair and smack their face against the wall till the smugness of beating on someone because you know they won’t fight back drains from their nose with a few million red corpuscles.
And then make them clean up the mess.[/Fogg Alert]
[not satire] You know, we used to have a name for people who only hit those that they knew wouldn’t fight back.
And we all know that bullies are cowards. Put a hurting on one and they go find someone else to pick on every time. It’s what cowards do.
[Stupid alert. For those too challenged to recognize satire, I spell it out for them]
Now, am I serious about this?
No.[/stupid alert] Not because it’s wrong. It’s not wrong. Every one should have the right to defend themselves. Hell, women are often excused from killing someone whom they allege has abused them. They can shoot them in their sleep and walk. Happens all the time. It’ll even get you a spot on Oprah, and cuntists across the cunt-o-sphere will be lionizing you.
[not satire]In that light, every one of those women at Jezebel and millions of others across the western world are as deserving of a righteous ass kicking as any human being can be. But it isn’t worth the time behind bars or the abuse of anger management training that men must endure if they are uppity enough to defend themselves from female attackers.
The better option is to kick her to the curb, figuratively speaking, and hopefully move on to some better choices. Besides, violence in self defense should be in some way commensurate with the violence of the attack.
I will say this, though. To all the men out there that decided to say “Damn the consequences,” and fight back, you are hero’s to the cause of equality; true feminists. And you are the honorary Kings of Bash a Violent Bitch Month. You are living proof of just how hollow “don’t fuck with us,” rings from the mouths of bullies and hypocrites.
In he spirit of feminists everywhere, you GO, boy!


Pubisher’s note: This article, originally published on October 22, 2010, is being brought back to the front page with a tip of the hat to Ally Fogg, probably one of the most disingenuous hacks on the planet. Fogg’s been discussing the “vile,” violent Men’s Human Rights Movement and he and his commenters are on a tear again, seeking attention through attacking AVFM in the comments to a recent article on the Justice 4 Men and Boys party (not affiliated with AVfM, although we are on friendly terms with founder Mike Buchanan) with selective out-of-context quotes, apparently in the hopes others are too stupid to know satire when they see it, even when it’s painstakingly pointed out to them. The article is reposted as is, the only changes will be “Fogg Alerts” which we use to help Ally’s numerous intellectually slow followers to know satire as it appears in front of their eyes. Those items which are not satire, but might be confused as such by the intellectually impaired, will also be identified in brackets. 
For their advance edification, we provide this link to the following wiki page, which provides definitions of Horatian and Juvenalian satire. We do with the instruction this article is an example of  satire of the Juvenalian variety. For those of Fogg’s inclinations that don’t know what a hyperlink is, I provide the following definition, with the caution that this is all the help I can offer. PE
Juvenalian satire, named after the Roman satirist Juvenal (late 1st century – early 2nd century CE), is more contemptuous and abrasive than the Horatian. Juvenalian satire addresses social evil through scorn, outrage, and savage ridicule. This form is often pessimistic, characterized by irony, sarcasm, moral indignation and personal invective, with less emphasis on humor. Strongly polarized political satire is often Juvenalian. Also see: Satires of Juvenal.
Edited by WD



The end of rape culture in the United States
By : The UK’s Mail Online ran an article six days ago on a subject that was just as attention getting as the headline they gave the story. “More men are raped in the US than women, figures on prison assaults reveal.
This is definitely shocking, not because anyone who frequents this site is unaware of the fact that men are more frequently rape victims than women, and not because it took a British publication to report a vastly important piece of American news, but simply because any mainstream outlet came out so bluntly and said it. They supported that headline by including inmate populations in the total number of rapes.
How hopeful. If they are starting to imagine that convicts are human beings, men can’t be that far behind.
What also stands out about this article is that Mail Online closed down comments after just six people had responded. I suppose they sensed the FTSU Brigade would soon be on the way and decided not to let the cultural bloodbath, or the corrections to what they got wrong, happen on their pages.
Comments were not shut down, however, before a couple of morons got in their shots.
This one from Leavenworth (assuming it is still in Kansas) found little approval among subsequent readers who rated the comment.
Uh, it is easy, CBC9249, since rape isn’t defined geographically. Just click your heels together and repeat after me, “There’s no place like school.”
Someone else, unfortunately from Houston (which brings me eternal shame) also chimed in with their two cents (adjusted for inflation). This person got greater but not majority approval from subsequent readers who voted.
We will pass that along to the Innocence Project, and maybe some of the thousands of men the Innocence Project did not have the resources to help. And then we will hopefully find a way to teach Nini the Ninny what is obvious. Incarceration is a valid part of the criminal justice system. Rape isn’t.
Let’s see what happens if we apply the same message to people, the ones that happen to be female, who are raped outside of prison.
Stay out of seedy bars, wild parties and other high risk areas. Rapists are likely to be there. Simples.
Oh, and if someone handcuffs you and drags you there against your will, it’s still your fault. You should not have been in an area where they were handcuffing people.
Simple? No, just simple-minded.
I need to back up a moment and actually offer a word of thanks to Mail Online. This is some heavy duty myth busting in which they have engaged. It is to be lauded as groundbreaking, and the article should be Tweeted and Facebooked till people leave blood on the keyboard.
Were parts of the article lacking? Very much, and it is sad that they closed comments before some of the bad data could be challenged by readers. For example, they supported their headline with the same shopworn fallacy of excluding male rape victims who were assaulted by being made to penetrate. They relied just on the victims of rape by penetration, which of course presents a very misleading picture of both victims and perpetrators, as well as the actual numbers of rapes that happen.
The more complete picture is critical.
When all is said and done, it is very likely that we will find that not only are women the minority of rape victims, they are likely not near as relevant as once assumed in understanding the big picture of sexual assaults in this culture. Just like the referenced article said, rape victims are overwhelmingly male, more than two to one over women, even by the United States Department of Justice and Mail Online’s convoluted reckoning.
And that, folks, is how we end “Rape Culture.” All we have to do is keep hammering the fact that rape is primarily not a women’s issue (except, in some cases, as perpetrators). People will quit giving a damn overnight.
Of course, I am being facetious. Feminists show skillful acumen for taking problems that affect women less than men and putting them in a pink limelight. Tim Tolka and his #badass crew are more than happy to pitch in with the expectation of some scraps being tossed their way.
I do hope, that as this information continues to infuse the cultural consciousness, along with our corrections and clarifications on the data, that we do not lose our sense of compassion.
We must remember that women, too, are sometimes raped; just as they are sometimes the victims of domestic and other forms of violence. We should not be like feminists. We should not, in good conscious, turn away from their pain just because the majority of them enjoy protection and exclusion from the brunt of these issues.


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