13 Dec 2013

Anonymity For Me but Not For Thee

AVoiceforMen: Currently we afford rape accusers anonymity. We only afford anonymity to the accuser for rape or other sexual crimes; we don’t do this for any other crime.
The rationale is that rape accusers face unique stigma for being seen as rape victims. Or rather they face the unique stigma of being accused of really having engaged in consensual sex.
As for the presumptively innocent men that they accuse… 
Well, who gives a fuck about men and the stigma they face.

Join us tonight on this episode of Honey badger radio, Anonimity for me but not for thee. As we discuss anonymity in rape trials.
Also, last week we were trolled by 4chan. Specifically 4chan’s my little pony board. After weathering the fury and find it less than furious, we have to ask… did 4chan white knight… us? 


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