13 Jan 2014

Paul Elam vs Michael Flood on Male Studies

Paul Elam: Michael Flood makes a cute little case for himself on why no one but feminist ideologues should be allowed to study men and masculinity. PE

Angelo: Well done Paul. That’s about the best we can hope for with the lame stream. The worldwide exposure is priceless. definitely a win for our side, thank you.

Raising the tone with a touchy subject. Addicted to pornography? Is that like being addicted to breathing and eating? Presumably it is as described by Nightwing for video game addiction or only an issue when used as a crutch against the pervasive misandry? Or then again is it just a derivative of prudery? I must be missing a more sinister aspect to pornography other than as a benign, from the user standpoint, outlet for unspent sexuality in between days.

Our housemaster called it ‘tasty literature.’ Having spent nearly a decade living with other boys during my early education, my observation is that pornography is natural and healthy. Boys were either into pornography, sucking each other off or asexual to various degrees. I feel sure that these activities were all part of a natural spectrum.

I have long suspected that ‘pornography addiction’ was quite rare or only symptomatic of other maladies as it is for substance abuse but in general an overblown feminist perpetuated myth with which to attack and belittle men.

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