5 Jan 2014

WOMEN WANT YOU - The Gender War In Sweden & Iceland + Feminist Fashion AR Wear & Invisibile Bike Helmets + My Journey Into MGTOW

Sandman: The Gender War in Sweden heats up this week where innocent men are being photographed on public transit as proof that they are oppressing women simply by the way they sit on a bus. Sweden is also implementing a film rating system developed for feminists. Soon all flicks will be chick flicks. Male spaces everywhere are being attacked by women. The more the MGTOW movement grows the more women will try to invade our spaces.

The articles in the video:








My Journey Into MGTOW

Sandman: I spent the last 15 years raising two women while being in relationships with them. I could have spent that time raising a child of my own. This is the first time in my adult life I've been single and these are my experiences up to this point.

 Feminist Fashion AR Wear & Invisibile Bike Helmets
Sandman: Feminist fashion is about protecting women while empowering them at the same time. I will examine AR Wear (Anti Rape Wear) and invisible bike helmets. Women want to look good and feel safe even when they are about to fail. However, women, corporations and children are not allowed to fail in our society, only men.

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