By : Why do feminists have to get so hysterical when debating casual sexism?
It`s one of those delicious ironies of modern feminism. The more they fight to prove their point, the more they sound like the kind of old shrew Les Dawson used as target practice during his mother-in-law bashing routines.
Only today, on BBC Radio Five Live, comedian and feminist activist Kate Smurthwaite completely lost her rag when trying to make her points during a debate about casual sexism.
Do listen to the link (debate starts from 11.38 mins in).
It`s this kind of hand wringing hysteria which only consolidates my position as a non feminist.
(Nicky Campbell introduced me as Angela Epstein journalist and non-feminist at the beginning of the debate).
Interestingly enough, listeners who called the programme, were equally scathing about the humourless fight-spoiling that passes for so-called debate about casual sexism.
No one wants to see women commodified or become victims of sexual objectification. But let’s get some perspective and not allow grumpy women in bad clothes (with a sense of humour bypass) dictate what constitutes casual sexism. I mean, really, is it so offensive if a man opens a door for a woman or pays her a compliment when she arrives at the office with a new hair style?
And can there be anything more depressing than being greeted by deafening silence when a woman walks past a building site
 I embrace my femininity – something, which, as one caller said today, is something that today’s feminists seem to lack.
Let me know your thoughts….
From wolf-whistle appreciating Angela Epstein non feminist journalist