7 Feb 2014

Wake Up To The RadFem Divide And Rule Destruction Of Our Society.

Web Dude: In today's RadFem induced rape culture we tend to immediately jump to the wrong conclusions. Men not only lack the benefit of the doubt in society but the benefit to innocence until being proved guilty in family courts. The airlines that will not let men sit next to children are a good example of how this thinking is pervasive in western society. 
More than 50% of domestic violence is initiated women. Male attendance of gynocentric higher education is plummeting to 35%, it's OK to genitally mutilate little male babies and 50% of children will never see their fathers again after separation and it's not for the lack of trying (F4J, AVfM, etc.)
In the media men are generally treated as buffoons and violence against us trivial and acceptable. Even the recent Thor The Dark World has his babe slapping every man in reach with impunity whilst other feminazis advocate for a free pass to murder us and juries acquit women murdering men in their sleep anyway.

Wake up to the RadFem divide and rule destruction of our society.

An idea by Forty Two inspired this short video meme. Any excuse to highlight the issues facing men and boys. ;-)

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