10 Mar 2014

Misandric Saturday Night Lies

Michael Potemra for National Review : http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/...

SNL clips, including "Jewelry Party" featuring a parody of an "MRA" character : http://tvline.com/2014/03/08/lena-dun...

Note: several quite sharp -- and possibly optimistic commenters on reddit have speculated that the SNL skit trashing the MRM was purposefully weak, and possibly even crafted to bring more attention to the movement, while preseving the continued employment of the writers, by framing the exposure of the MRM as an attack. My comment on reddit was :

I don't know if it was intentional or not. It may have been - but written "as if" it was a hit-piece against us, to preserve the job of the SNL writers who came up with it. Nevertheless, I think it was excellent and powerful publicity for the Men's Rights Movement, even if a few more sensitive types felt insulted by the depiction. If we aren't smart enough to see an opportunity to put our arguments in front of a bigger audience because of the publicity that SNL gave us ( by accident or not ) - then we are dunces who deserve all the stick we get.

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