29 Apr 2014

STEFAN MOLYNEUX BANNED FROM YOUTUBE!!! + Bitcoin vs. Political Power: The Cryptocurrency Revolution TNW Conference

Stefan Molyneux: Stefan discusses the recent and unexplained disabling of the Freedomain Radio YouTube channel.


Bitcoin vs. Political Power: The Cryptocurrency Revolution TNW Conference

Stefan Molyneux: Historically, politicians have always fought for the power to create money out of thin air, so they can increase their spending without having to directly increase taxes. The staggering growth of political power throughout the twentieth century -- the century of war -- was largely made possible by replacing money limited by gold with paper currencies, which can be printed at will by government-controlled banksters.

Cryptocurrencies are the first self-limiting monetary systems in the history of mankind, and could be our greatest chance to check the growth of political power since the Magna Carta. Join Stefan Molyneux, the host of Freedomain Radio - the most popular philosophy show in the world - as he reveals the hidden political and military power of government currencies, and shows how cryptocurrencies could be greatest revolution in human history, and the foundation of a truly free and prosperous planet.

Friendly Counter Point.
Angelo: I just love this whole debate, being an anti-statist non aggression principle type fellow like Stefan and anything is an improvement on Keynesian economics but...  When Stef says Gold and Bitcoins are limited, I believe he is missing an important fact. They are in fact not limited if their value is variable. Just saying you may only be able to divide 21 million by 1 million or whatever 'limited numbers' but in the end if you may assign any value to each unit, that is further infinite subdivision. I conjecture that gold is slightly less manipulable than fiat currency simply because, ...it's a limited 'physical' thing. (even though, blah, blah maths) And that's OK.

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