21 Jul 2014

Massacre Of Gaza "Not Disproportional" Says UK Gov + World Abandons Gaza To Mercy Of Israeli Bombs - The BBC Sucks O Cocks News

"There are children with no heads, the morgue is filled with their bodies, a man walking down the street with his son in a plastic bag, NOT disproportionate??? ...This is not a war! Palestine has no army no airforce, no navy and there are people watching it eating popcorn. ...they are being decimated. ...The British government, the USA the United Nations have blood on their hands, not only do they not condemn it! …Because they are too fucking scared! It's not disproportionate, children with no heads and legs? It's a massacre, it's a massive firing squad and John Kerry and Philip Hammond say it's OK. ...the people of Gaza are nothing! The world has just abandoned them. Can you imagine? You talk about terrorism, about extremism, has anyone ever seen anything like this? …Not disproportionate?” The Artist Taxi Driver

World Abandons Gaza To Mercy Of Israeli Bombs
The Artist Taxi Driver

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