3 Sept 2014

British MP Galloway Physically Assaulted & More On ISIS And Mossad + ISIS ISIL FSA Al-Nusra And West: Same Ideology - Lebanese Girl

"He (George Galloway) was having his photo taken with some local people and a man attacked him. Ran out at very quick speed, apparently he's 39 years old, the assailant, and beat him up! Punched him in the jaw repeatedly, it went on for minutes, finally he was pulled off and arrested. He was shouting about the holocaust and he had a t shirt on with the Israeli military logo writing on it, IDF or whatever it's called. 
...The guy think he's a Jew, I say thinks he's a Jew because that's all we have. There's no such thing really as 'A Jew'. This whole idea of it being a race is a modern Zionist concoction. ...Pavlov's dog!" Morris


JewishPress report on attack:

Picture of Galloway and Assailant MailOnline:

Picture of Galloway assailant in Israeli military T-Shirt:
(Neil Masterson, 39, of Campden Hill, West London)

Video of weapons bounty ISIS got from Tabqa Airbase:

Fidel Castro asserts ISIS from the Mossad:

"Mr. McCain’s most cynical behavior has been in the Near East. Senator McCain is Israel’s most unconditional ally in Mossad’s machinations, something that even his worst adversaries would have been able to imagine. McCain participated alongside this secret service in the creation of the Islamic State which has appropriated a considerable part of Iraq, as well as a third of Syria, according to its affirmations. This state already has a multi-million dollar income, and threatens Saudi Arabia and other nations in this complex region which supplies the greatest part of the world’s oil."

ISIS ISIL FSA Al-Nusra And West: Same Ideology
Lebanese Girl

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