28 Oct 2014

David Cameron Refuses To Wear A ‘This Is What A Feminist Looks Like’ T-Shirt (Unlike Drippy Miliband And Clegg)

By Laura Perrins: The liberal dictators over at the Fawcett Society along with Elle magazine have taken umbrage at the Prime Minister declining to wear one of those infantile This is what a feminist looks like T-shirts". Shocking, is it not, when not everyone agrees with your socialist political views? Why can’t we all just get along with a big group hug?
Lorraine Candy, Elle’s editor-in chief, tells us that the magazine asked Cameron ‘five times’ if he would wear the shirt and post a picture as proof. She has taken time out of her busy schedule of collating photographs of air-brushed models suggesting to us what we should wear, to bemoan our Prime Minister’s lack of feminist credentials.
Let’s leave aside for one moment that the Prime Minister does have other matters to deal with, such as ebola, Isis and the increasing public debt. Ms Candy essentially admits that she badgered the PM to take part in this ridiculous schoolgirl trick. Don’t you know Ms Candy that No means No? I thought that was a cardinal rule of feminism.
The Fawcett Society, which campaigns for women’s equality, agreed it was “unfortunate” that the Prime Minister appeared to be uncomfortable with identifying himself with the ‘cause of feminism.’ They find this hard to believe, even though Red Ed and that nutty one Nick Clegg donned said T-shirt like a couple of cringing schoolboys to tell us all they were feminists. We knew that already, men.

We know this because modern feminism is no longer merely about campaigning for equality between men and women (which we all agree on in the West at least) but equality of outcome. Establishing this equality of outcome necessitates ignoring women’s actual life preferences, such as working part-time when children are born or even, shock horror, expressing a preference for actually caring for new baby when it is born.
Instead modern feminism requires massive State interference in the family. It requires a huge transfer of State resources and taxpayers' money in order to bully and coerce women into making feminist-approved decisions, not based on their preferences or desires, but the preferences of the feminists.
Modern feminism is now an industry that many careerist feminists depend on for their livelihood so it is essential to keep the victimhood going. Feminism seeks to cut men out of the family, viewing them as an optional extra, as stated by Harriet Harman some years ago. So it would be surprising if Cameron did identify himself as a feminist in public.
The ironic point is that the feminists are not happy with current Conservative policy, which heavily toes the feminist line. They literally want Cameron to wear the T-shirt too.
The feminist dictators need to understand that not everyone accepts their big State solutions to problems. They do not agree with their anti-family position and feminism is not some neutral philosophy that ‘everyone must agree on.’ Maternal feminism, that seeks to value motherhood as a key vehicle for promoting female equality, has largely been sidelined by the feminists who dominate the public sphere. So they should not be surprised that they are rejected in turn.

X art by WB7

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