9 Nov 2014

Mentally Ill Women Are "Normal"

Feminism LOL: Canadian feminists are intent on destroying the rule of law. In that aim, mental illness should be discarded as “normal” or “non mental-disordered” when a woman kills a man. Elizabeth Sheehy has convinced me of one thing: women are mentally ill.

Rita Graveline case appeal successfully overturning acquittal:

Rita's successful Supreme Court appeal reinstating her acquittal:

Quote from Dr. MacKay

Response to a message asking me to help others do research:

Be generous to your subject, it makes your argument stronger. Give them the most generous interpretation you can and if it's still bad you've got something.

Use boolean search techniques: put quotes around people's names and use the + or – signs to eliminate unwanted results.

Choose your search words and phrases carefully. Try to pick things that aren't common for results.

Search specific sites by typing the site name first

If you get to a text heavy page use the “find” feature in your browser to skip to the name or phrase you want. When you find the part you're looking for it will help determine whether or not it's worth reading the rest of the page.

Be patient. Don't jump on the first bit of info as if you've got the whole story.

For Canadians: if you want legal decisions, Canlii.org has most appeal court decisions and Supreme Court decisions with their reasons for judgement. They have an extension for Chrome that allows you to search their site. I search by case name and also for names of so called experts who've testified. You can also search for terms like “battered woman syndrome” and “coercive control.”

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