30 Jan 2015

Pregnant Women In The UK To Be Paid £400 To Stop Them Poisoning Their Unborn Children

By Mike Buchanan: A day or two ago Stephen Nolan hosted an interesting discussion on his show on BBC Radio Ulster about the proposal that taxpayers fund vouchers to the tune of £400 to discourage pregnant women from smoking, in a effort to stop them poisoning their unborn children. Doubtless, in time, we’ll see another scheme paying pregnant women a similar sum to discourage them from harming their unborn children by drinking alcohol during pregnancy. Foetal Alcohol Syndrome is the #1 cause of avoidable mental debilitation in the Western world, and it’s a subject we cover in our election manifesto.
Gill is a longstanding supporter of J4MB – and a valued donor – and just sent us a link to an article on the £400 bribe. From the article:
Around 5,000 babies die in the womb or shortly after birth from mothers smoking during pregnancy each year in the UK.
One in four pregnant women smokes, despite warnings about the effects on the baby, and widely available NHS quit services.
Gill ended her email with this:
More and more, as the years go by, I am ashamed of my gender. When I read stories like this, I get so angry I could SCREAM.

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