10 Jan 2015

Vera Baird MP v Laura Bates

By Mike Buchanan: Thanks to K for pointing us to a BBC video of a debate on violence against women, held in Westminster Hall on 21 January 2010 (less than four months before the last general election). We can find no record of a debate on violence against men, needless to say.
The website informs us that the start of the recording is missing due to a technical problem. No matter, it means we get to see right from the start, a statement from Vera Baird MP, Solicitor General (she is, of course, now the Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria, a position from which we’ve publicly challenged her to resign, on five separate countshere). Ms Baird states:
"I used to make speeches on violence against women, saying between two and three woman a week are killed in domestic violence. That statistic now, happily, has to change, and it is – though still far, far too high – something like just over one woman who is killed in that way."
So where does this leave Laura Bates, who won the first of her two ‘Lying Feminist of the Month’ awards for claiming in a TEDx presentation in London in January 2014 – the video is here – that over two women a week in the UK are killed by male partners or ex-partners? The latest official figure, from 2012/13, was 75. Her award certificate is here.

She later brazenly repeated her lie on live television – ‘that is absolutely the official figure’ – after Ieuan Morgan, a Brunel University engineering student in the audience, mentioned our public challenge of her over the issue. A video of the programme is here.
J4MB can now cite a statement by Vera Baird to prove that Special Snowflake is lying. Oops. Will the mainstream media ever expose her for what she is? It’s about damned time they did, likewise many other feminists we’ve proven to have lied publicly – Caroline Criado-Perez and Kat Banyard among them.

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