5 Jun 2015

Narcissistic Mothers - MGTOW

Over protective mothers and their dire consequences on young males. Asking mothers to be less protective of their young is not going to happen. Mothers are designed to be over protective in an almost insane kind of way. Just tonight I went out and saw a female raccoon with its babies. And I didn't dare approaching her. I knew the mother raccoon would have tried to bite my leg off if I approached them. So why would human females be any different when trying to protect human children?
Over protective mothering is an automatic subconscious response that helps ensure the physical well being and survival of the young. But that doesn't mean it's about the emotional well being of the offspring or in this case the human children. One thing I often noticed when I was growing was that my mother stopped worrying about me and my brother when we were physically safe.
Our mother was obsessed with making sure we were safe from cold and flu season, cold weather by dressing us up in clothing that was far too warm. As well as making sure we were well fed and housed. But when it came to the emotional support and intelligence of either my brother or me I never got it from our mother. She put up a great big wall between life and myself. And I also learned that boys are on their own. We are supposed to learn to deal with emotional pain for ourselves. It would make sense if our mothers gave us emotional guidance. But as we all know most women in western society are emotional basket cases. So even if my mother gave me emotional guidance when I was a child it probably wouldn't have been very productive. What I should have been getting was emotional support from my father. But as many of us have spoken about before men are islands onto ourselves. We are supposed to stand on our own two feet emotionally our entire lives. That's the burden we face. My father also protected me from feeling emotional pain. But as a child when I was dealing with emotional pain caused by other kids my mother didn't tell me it would be alright. Instead she went to my teachers, principal and parents of the other kids. And then the other kids would get into trouble, blame me for ratting them out and then just bully me even
more. My mother was over protective and it caused me even more trouble. So I learned quickly not to tell my mother if other kids stole my stuff or tried to beat me up and at the same time my father was emotionally distant and didn't care either. On top of that even when I made new my friends my mother wouldn't allow me to travel and visit them a few streets over on my own. Sandman

10 pictures paid for and licensed through BigStock.com (In order of appearance)

1. Creatista - Angry Mom

2. olly2 - Very angry woman

3. soloway - Attractive Blonde Female Emotional Talks To Rear Seat Passenger

4. AntonioGuillem - Angry Crazy Woman With Rage Expression

5. Creatista - Misbehaving Little Girls With Nanny

6. Zinkevych - Cute toddler boy with mom??

7. John Takai - Bad baby

8. Angela_Waye - Junk Food Mother Acting Like Children

9. Dmitrijs Dmitrijevs - Close up of evil look

10. Amaviael - Angry Young Woman Sitting In A Car

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