27 Aug 2015

They Want Your Money

Wage gap is a myth.
What is real, is that feminists want men to give them their money. #GiveYourMoneyToWomen
“The idea behind the hashtag was even better than that: Women were banding together to demand payment for all the emotional work we do that goes completely unpaid—the exhausting work of being a tolerant, gentle, nurturing, listening woman in our relationships with men, at all times. Women put up with a lot of bullshit, and we have a science-backed term for it: Emotional labor. And as with any kind of labor, women are now ready and eager to get paid.”
Emotional labor? Being tolerant, gentle, nurturing and listening is how kind, compassionate, pleasant normal people try to be, especially with the people you love. If to you it feels like hard work, you are free to leave. Good luck with finding somebody who wants to be with you.
The emotional labor of being around someone like you could be too exhausting to even want to engage in a conversation, let alone in a relationship with you.
(How nice would it be if feminists stopped assuming they are representing all women. I don’t want to be associated with these crazy, spoiled, whiny, man-haters brats with a god-complex.)
This is an old idea: that women are so much better at handling pain than men because… some of them give birth. While I can say that child birth is no walk in the park, it’s nothing compared to what men have done for ever: from fighting in a war to all of the jobs that require physical strength, like mining, building houses, farming, and so on, especially in the past when we didn’t have machines (later built by men themselves). Men are biologically stronger then men. It’s a fact and while men seem to acknowledge it, even if it’s them who do the hard work, instead of whining they build technology that make them work less, faster and better.
Being with a man is emotional labor. You need to pay a woman, if you want to be with her. She doesn’t want to love you. All she wants is your money.


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