2 Oct 2015

Meryl Streep, Star Of The Film Suffragette, Refuses To Call Herself A Feminist. Feminist Meltdown Ensues.

By Meryl Streep, by any reasonable account, is a feminist. She sent each and every member of Congress a package, asking Congress to support the Equal Rights Amendment and to ‘stand up for equality—for your mother, your daughter, your sister, your wife or yourself.’ Interesting inclusion of the world ‘yourself’ there – is she addressing the women in Congress or is she aware that the ERA would actually rectify the fact that women currently have more legal rights than men?
Pass the ERA, and it will no longer be legal to hack the healthy genital skin off newborn babies, as long as those babies are male. Pass the ERA, and the ladies will be required to sign up to die before they can vote or access federal and state funding, just as their brothers are required to do. Pass the ERA and the tender years doctrine hits the trash can. Say goodbye to preferential custody of children. Pass the ERA and the grounds for sentencing women less harshly for the same crimes men commit evaporates. Pass the ERA and every privilege women currently enjoy disappears. In many cases, I don’t think the ladies have really thought this one through.

draft requirements

The ERA means women get to be in combat! Yay! Smash the patriarchy! Be careful, ladies, what you wish for. Removing all restrictions on women in combat removes the barrier to requiring women to sign up for selective service. Selective service is specifically written to draft men to fill combat positions: it is a stark statement on the disposability of men, an existential reality each and every American man must confront on his 18th birthday: your body can and will be sacrificed, against your will, for the good of the nation (read: women and children). That leads to a very slippery slope when it comes to reproductive rights. Men do not get a pass from their military obligations simply because they have fathered a child. They can father a hundred children, and it won’t matter. Women, under true equal rights, won’t get a pass either. Are we going to send pregnant women into battle? Are we going to enforce mandatory birth control on all combat age women? How is equality going to work out?
Feminists mistakenly believe that the ERA will guarantee equality of outcome. It does no such thing. It guarantees equality of opportunity, which is a rather different thing. Pass the ERA and women’s sports disappears overnight. It will be illegal to hold separate matches for men and women. There will be a single category: tennis, football, soccer, baseball, boxing, etc. The ERA guarantees that women have an equal opportunity to compete for a position. Under the ERA, it is unlikely a single woman will compete in any professional sport, anywhere. More bathroom facilities for women, because women take longer in the bathroom than men? Illegal. Women and men will have the exact same facilities and the opportunity to use them. If women are slower, too bad, so sad. Boardroom quotas? Nope, sorry. Affirmative action plans for (white) women? Gone. Additional healthcare funding for women? Bye!
I kind of admire Streep for supporting the ERA. I support the ERA. I think it will be a disaster for women, but a disaster is just what we need. Let’s pass the ERA and demonstrate to women, definitively, just how equal they can be.
Let’s take a closer look at what Streep actually said, when asked if she is a feminist:
A nice, easy balance. Sounds to me like the words of a woman who knows men and women are not equal, can never be equal, and don’t need to be. Men and women are complements, designed to balance one another. Let’s look at some of the commenters at Jezebel. Here’s the top comment:


Can someone explain the problem? Lol! I think it has something to do with that ‘facts and evidence’ thing. Not according to Jez, though:

Real sexism=sexism against women. Sexism against men doesn’t count. But remember, folks, feminism is for everyone! Surprisingly (or not) there are some rather thoughtful comments from many of the feminist readers. Jez is a pretty radical, women are always the victims place, but even Jez readers are detecting the scent of something rotten:

PR problem



Over and over again, Jez commenters insist that feminists take a look at what they actually do as opposed to what they say.


And it doesn’t look good. Streep is part of an older generation of feminists who were concerned about actual issues facing women, not how men sit on the subway, or what they wear the day they achieve one of the greatest feats of scientific ingenuity humanity has ever seen:


Even feminists are starting to get it: the word is poison, for very good reasons, and no, honey, it’s not just men who have peeled back the skin of feminism to reveal the rotting corpse underneath:

men who hate women

Don’t you just love how feminists are so desperate to credit the work of women like me, or any one of the other women working to expose the malignancy of modern feminism, to men. Gee, that’s kind of odd. Please feminists, clarify it for me: do men get credit for my work because I can’t possibly know my own mind and have been brainwashed with internalized misogyny, or do men get credit because men are ultimately responsible for the thoughts and ideas of women? In either case, is it a good idea to let me vote? Apply for credit? Take out a loan? Buy a house? Choose my own clothes?
Scratch a feminist, and you’ll find a die hard fan of the patriarchy. Every time. Did you see this delightful column from Jessica Valenti, stamping her feet and tossing her toys out of the pram, demanding that men stand up and help women? It’s like she’s throwing up her hands, saying ‘whelp, we tried. Can’t do it. Time to hand the job over to men.’ Gosh, why ever would they refuse?


Young women who refuse to call themselves feminists catch hell from the screaming harpies of Jezebel and Gawker, and tend to collapse under the onslaught. I wish the coven the best of luck in forcing Meryl Streep to crumple. Bring your best game, ladies.


It seems like every day that goes by, more and more women (and men) refuse to get on board with the insanity of modern feminism. When even the icons of feminism are looking at modern feminists and saying ‘GTFO’, you know the tables are turning. We are having the desired effect.
Looks like Connie has her finger on the pulse of the culture:


You should be concerned.
Very concerned.
And get your white flags ready.


Lots of love,


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