4 Oct 2015

The Letter Calling For An End To Male Genital Mutilation, Which UK Lame-Stream Newspapers Wouldn’t Publish

By Mike Buchanan J4MB: We’ve spent some time over recent weeks developing a ‘Letter to the Editor’ for publication in a national newspaper or periodical, in the week preceding the Conservative party conference, which starts next Sunday. The letter has been signed by some of the world’s most well-known anti-MGM campaigners, researchers, and anti-MGM organizations.
None of the numerous national newspapers and periodicals we’ve approached offering exclusivity (one after another) have been willing to publish the letter, so we’ve decided to publish it here. It takes up the remainder of this post:
Dear Sir / Madam,
We call upon the government to specifically proscribe the non-therapeutic circumcision of male minors (henceforth male genital mutilation, MGM). This would give male minors the same legal protection as that enjoyed by female minors since the passing of the Prohibition of Female Circumcision Act 1985.
The original purpose of this obscene practice was to diminish sexual pleasure in adult men. It detrimentally affects many men’s physical and mental health, blighting their lives, and sometimes leads to suicide.
This mutilation of healthy minors’ bodies has always been illegal under Common Law. It is illegal under the Offences Against the Person Act 1861, as well as a plethora of more recent legislation, which, inter alia, protects the basic right of the individual to bodily autonomy, until that person reaches an age to make an informed decision. MGM also breaches UN and EU conventions.

MGM is directly comparable to Type 1a and Type IV FGM. There are no medical benefits which bear close examination. It is ethically and morally indefensible.
This barbaric practice must be banned at the earliest available opportunity.
Yours sincerely,
Mike Buchanan
Party leader
Justice for Men & Boys (and the women who love them)
Tim Hammond
Survey Programmer
Global Survey on Circumcision Harm
Gregory Boyle
Professor of Psychology
Bond University (1993-2013)
Jack Cohen
Honorary Professor
Institute of Mathematics, University of Warwick
Dr John Warren
Retired consultant physician
Chair, 15 Square (formerly NORM-UK)
David Smith
Chief Officer
Genital Autonomy
Patrick Smyth
Men Do Complain
Professor George Denniston MD MPH
Doctors Opposing Circumcision (USA)
Natasha Philips
Legal Researcher
Researching Reform
Linda Massie
National Organisation Circumcision Information Resource Centre of
Northern Ireland (NOCIRC-NI)

Ian Tyes
Solicitor (retired)


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