8 Nov 2015

California - London Feminists Angry “Yes Means Yes” Works!

Be careful what you wish for; you just might get it…”
By : My my, what a difference a year makes, hmm?
A little over a year ago, the Golden State’s governor, Jerry Brown, signed into law what would be popularly known as the Yes Means Yes law, meant to combat a supposed epidemic of rape and sexual assaults on the part of twisted, sadistic and drunken misogynistic frat boys predating on their unsuspecting female campusmates. Of course, the fact that the past year has seen the utter collapse of high-profile stories that supposedly serve as prima facia examples of such an “epidemic” – most notably the University of Virginia gangrape story carried by Rolling Stone magazine and Columbus Univeristy’s Mattress Girlfiasco
– does not in any way stop or even slowdown, the efforts on the part of the Feminist Lobby to continue their peddling in bovine patties. “Yes Means Yes” has been predicted by varying voices in the Manosphere, to “go viral”, that is to say, that it will go well beyond the state of California and the college campus, to encompass other jurisdictions and relations between men and women more generally. Indeed, in a previous piece I wrote for Return of Kings earlier this year, I covered the fact that “Yes Means Yes” had come to London, and was being proposed to apply to social gender relations well beyond the campus.
However, the past month alone has seen some major backfiring on the part of the feminists, when Oxford University’s Annie Teriba, a staunch Black feminist and lesbian, had not only sexually assaulted not one, but at least two women and as a result was forced to resign from her post as an editor of a prominent university-associated lesbian and transgender publication, as well as desisting her activities as an outspoken proponent of the tenets of “Yes Means Yes”.
And back here in the States, and ironically enough in the very state where YMY began, New Yorker Magazine carries a story last month in its “The Cut” section, profiling a number of “big name” college campus feminists who are beside themselves that their “advocacy” work has found themselves without benefit of male company. The article, entitled “Hooking Up When You’re an Anti-Rape Activist”, attempts to place the blame for college campus young men not wanting to be bothered with delusional harpies on said men themselves, and not on the wild-eyed rabble rousing on the part of women who clearly need help (as the fact that some 25% of all American women now on some form of mental health meds clearly show). This is par for the course of Feminist “Theory” – when said “theories” don’t deliver quite the desired results, feminists and their allies in the Cathedral Media just pass the blame for it on men enmasse – never on the wrongheaded attempts at social engineering on the part of feminists themselves.
It never occurs to these stompdown ideologues, that men on the college campus are wising up to the Orwellian nature of the world they inhabit, to the ever-increasing dangers of merely just socializing with women and to the very real possibilities of a one night stand turning into a nightmare on the sole whim of a woman scorned. It therefore comes as no surprise – and to many in the Manosphere itself, who again have predicted all of this last year when YMY first came down the pike – that the fellas would begin to quietly vote with their feet. The NYer magazine article drips with righteous indignation that men don’t eagerly place themselves on the sacrificial altar of political correctness on the demand of middling (at best!) looking feminists – the nerve of those knuckledragging cretins! Don’t they know what’s best for them?
The critics of the Manosphere and its various “factions” have charged us with being all talk and no action – that we don’t actually do anything to advance the cause of men and boys. But I’ve always argued that we men don’t need to do anything; in fact, the less we do, the better. Feminists have made the bed for themselves and worse, for women in general, much harder to lay in; we should be sure they have a very tough night’s sleeping. Here, whether you like em or hate em, the MGTOW arm of the ‘sphere – the Men Going Their Own Way – is onto something. When the ladies make everyday living just not worth it, the singlebest thing guys can and should do, is go their own way…
…and quietly vote with their feet.
Further suggested reading: “Yes Means Yes” Comes to London



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