15 Mar 2016

Professor Tony Martin On The Jewish Role In The Slave Trade

By Gilad Atzmon: We often hear about Jewish involvement in the Civil Rights Movement.  According to some Jewish scholars, 75% of Martin Luther King's finances were paid by Jewish sources. Some insist that many of Martin Luther King's speeches were actually written Stanley Levison. According to Professor Tony Martin, this may explain MLK’s attitude to anti-Semitism as reflected in his last book.
Jewish history has a black side to it that is not flattering. Dr. Martin has reached the conclusion that Jews dominated the slave trade. The black American academic has also speculated that Jewish and Zionist support for the Civil Rights movement was driven by Jewish self interest. This suggestion made Professor Martin the subject of an orchestrated Jewish onslaught led by the ADL, AJC and Jewish student unions. In the following video Professor Martin speaks about his studies and the abuses that he has endured for articulating his ideas.

By Markus Ross: In this explosive speech, Professor Tony Martin reveals many cover-ups within the black community. Professor Martin confirms the Jewish influence over blacks and the Jewish role in the slavery of African people. Professor Martin confirms the Jewish control within the Martin Luther King Civil rights movement.
Professor Martin explains that 75% of Martin Luther King's finances were provided by Jewish sources. Professor Martin goes on to explain that a communist Jew, by the name of Stanley Levison, drafted Martin Luther King's speeches. Professor Martin reveals that organizations such as the NAACP, and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) were founded by Jews. In addition, the Ku Klux Clan is a Jewish and not a Christian organization. Professor Tony Martin was harassed and had false accusations brought up against him. Professor Martin began to learn that Jews and Christians are not the same as many people falsely believe. Jews dominated the slaves trade of both blacks and Indians, and even prostituted their own Jewish women, which became known as "white slavery".

To read professor Tony Martin's book: http://www.amazon.com/The-Jewish-Onslaught-Despatches-Battlefront/dp/0912469307



Angelo: "Jews defending the indefensible." I am glad to see this phrase come into common use, it's certainly been one of my favorites when confronting brain washed Jews with the facts.

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