27 May 2016

Good Reasons To Marry + Women-Are-Evil Is Another Pussy Pass

johntheother said. "It's a business contract between two people in which the advantages and the liabilities are unequal depending on the sex. If you're male and you gat married to a female, well you have a huge liability and hazard and a penalty on exit and very little advantage.
If you're female and you get married, you have a huge advantage, very little penalty, no substantial penalty on exit, in fact a big monetary payout on exit when you violate the terms of that contract and you can make the other person keep paying. Well that's a shit deal, only a stupid person would participate in that if it wasn't wrapped up in all this mumbo-jumbo romance and woo woo that we wrap marriage in to trick people into doing it."


Women-Are-Evil Is Another Pussy Pass
Feminists: "Women are helpless, fragile oppressed and cant help themlseves and it's not thier fault"

MGTOW (some of us): "women are fundamentally evil" ( and it's therefore not thier fault )

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