28 Jun 2016

US Imperialism BREXIT Culprit + Brexit Vote, What It Means For Subsequent Strategies Against The New World Order

How Western Military Interventions Shaped the Brexit Vote
By Michael Hudson: Michael Hudson argues that military interventions in the Middle East created refugee streams to Europe that were in turn used by the anti-immigrant right to stir up xenophobia.
Michael Hudson. He is a research professor of economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, and author of Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Destroy the Global Economy. Also, he is an economics adviser to several governments, including Greece, Iceland, Latvia, and China. He joins us right now from New York City.

Thanks, Michael, for joining us.
MICHAEL HUDSON: Good to be here again.
WILPERT: So let’s begin with the political context in which the Brexit vote took place. Aside from the right-wing arguments about immigrants, economic concerns, and about Britain’s ability to control its own economy, what would you say–what do you see as being the main kind of political background in which this vote took place?
HUDSON: Well, almost all the Europeans know where the immigrants are coming from. And the ones that they’re talking about are from the near East. And they’re aware of the fact that most of the immigrants are coming as a result of the NATO policies promoted by Hillary and by the Obama administration.
The problem began in Libya. Once Hillary pushed Obama to destroy Libya and wipe out the stable government there, she wiped out the arms–and Libya was a very heavily armed country. She turned over the arms to ISIS, to Al-Nusra, and Al-Qaeda. And Al-Qaeda used these arms under U.S. organization to attack Syria and Iraq. Now, the Syrian population, the Iraqi population, have no choice but to either emigrate or get killed.
So when people talk about the immigration to Europe, the Europeans, the French, the Dutch, the English, they’re all aware of the fact that this is the fact that Brussels is really NATO, and NATO is really run by Washington, and that it’s America’s new Cold War against Russia that’s been spurring all of this demographic dislocation that’s spreading into England, spreading into Europe, and is destabilizing things.
So what you’re seeing with the Brexit is the result of the Obama administration’s pro-war, new Cold War policy.
WILPERT: So are you saying that people voted for Brexit because they are really–that they were concerned about the influence of the U.S.? Or are you saying that it’s because of the backlash, because of the immigration that happened, and the fact that the right wing took advantage of that [crosstalk].
HUDSON: It’s a combination. The right wing was, indeed, pushing the immigrant issue, saying wait a minute, they’re threatening our jobs. But the left wing was just as vocal, and the left wing was saying, why are these immigrants coming here? They’re coming here because of Europe’s support of NATO, and NATOs war that’s bombing the near East, that is destabilizing the whole Near East, and causing a flight of refugees not only from Syria but also from Ukraine. In England, many of the so-called Polish plumbers that came years ago have now gone back to Poland, because that country’s recovered.
But now the worry is that a whole new wave of Ukrainians–and basically the U.S. policy is one of destabilization–so even the right-wing, while they have talked about immigrants, they have also denounced the [inaud.] fact that the European policy is run by the United States, and that you have both Marine Le Pen in France saying, we want to withdraw from NATO; we don’t want confrontation with Russia. You have the left wing in England saying, we don’t want concentration in Russia. And last week when I was in Germany you had the Social Democratic Party leaders saying that Russia should be invited back into the G8, that NATO was taking a warlike position and was hurting the European economy by breaking its ties with Russia and by forcing other sanctions against Russia.
So you have a convergence between the left and the right, and the question is, who is going to determine the terms on which Europe is broken up and put back together? Will it simply be the right wing that’s anti-immigrants? Or will it simply be the left saying we want to restructure the economy in a way that essentially avoids the austerity that is coming from Brussels, on the one hand, and from the British Conservative Party on the other.
And again, you have Geert Wilders, the leader of the Dutch nationalists, saying, we want Holland to have its own central bank. We want to be in charge of our own money. And under Brussels, we cannot be in charge of our own money. That means we cannot run a budget deficit and spend money into the economy, and recover with a Keynesian-type policy.
So the whole withdrawal from Europe means withdrawing from austerity. If you look at the voting pattern in London, in England, you had London to stay in. You had the university centers, Oxford and Cambridge, voting to stay in. You had the working class, the old industrial areas of the north and the south. You had the middle class and the industrial class saying, we’re getting a really bad deal from Europe. We want to oppose austerity. And we don’t want Brussels to give us not only the anti-labor, pro-bank policies, but also the trade policy that Brussels was trying to push onto Europe, the Obama trade agreement that essentially would take national economic policy out of the hands of government and put it into the hands of corporate bureaucracy, corporation courts. And the bureaucracy in Brussels, then, is largely pro-bank, pro-corporate, and anti-labor.
WILPERT: That actually brings up the issue of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or the TTIP. It was one of the things that the Cameron government was really pushing for, this relationship between the European Union and the United States. Now that Britain is presumably going to be leaving the European Union, don’t you think that this might open the possibility of just a TTIP between Britain and the United States? In other words, that it will–it has been one of the arguments, actually, of those who were opposed to Britain leaving the EU, that it will tie Britain even closer to the United States than it was before, and by virtue of the fact that it’s leaving Europe.
HUDSON: I think just the opposite. I’ve gotten phone calls today from Britain, and I’ve been on radio with Britain. The whole feeling is that this makes the TTIP impossible, because you can’t do a TTIP just with Britain. You have to do it with all of Europe. And this prevents Europe, and I think Britain, too, from making this kind of trade policy. The rejection of eurozone austerity is, essentially, a rejection of the neoliberal plan that the TTIP is supposed to be the capstone of.
WILPERT: And what do you think this means, then, in general for Europe’s future? One of the things that–one of the dangers that many perceive is precisely that Europe, as a European Union, is going to fall apart. Do you think that’s the likely scenario here? Or–.
HUDSON: I watched Marine Le Pen today in France, and you could see from her face that she was overjoyed. She thinks all of a sudden, almost every European interview where the people–there was such unleashing of a feeling of freedom, a feeling of yes, we can do it. When Ireland voted not to join the European Union people just ignored the popular vote. But now it can’t be ignored anymore.
And I think that the British vote is a catalyst for moves in Spain, Italy, the Five Star movement in Italy, the Podemos in Spain, to say, we are–we have an alternative to Europe. Europe is sort of like the Soviet Union in the ’30s and ’40s. There was an argument, is it reformable or not? There is a feeling, and I think it’s correct, that the European Union, the eurozone, and the euro, is not reformable, as a result of the Lisbon treaties and the other treaties that have created the euro. Europe has to be taken apart in order to be put together not on a right-wing, neoliberal basis, but on a more social basis.
Now, ironically, the parties who call themselves socialists are now moved to the ultra-right, to the neoliberal. The French socialists, the German social democrats. But you’re having real radical parties arise in Italy, Spain, Portugal, and potentially in Greece, again, that are going to say, well, the key of any government, of any national government, has to be the ability to issue our own money, to run a deficit, spending into the economy to make the economy recover. We cannot recover under the Lisbon agreements, under the eurozone, where the central bank will only create money to give to banks, not money to spend into the economy, to actually finance new investment and new employment. And we cannot be part of a eurozone that insists that pensions have to be cut back in order to make the banks whole and save the one percent losing money.
So for the first time you’re having the real left wing in Europe talking about financial issues, not about political philosophy, or the fact that countries are not going to go to war again. Nobody ever believes that France, Germany, and other countries in Europe are going to go to military war again. There is a fear that the countries in Europe may go to war against Russia, pushed by NATO, pushed by adventurism of the U.S. stance towards Russia.
And so all of a sudden the eurozone that was supposed to be a bulwark of military peace has become belligerent, and even more so if Hillary would win in the United States. And there’s a feeling we do want peace. That means we have to withdraw from the eurozone. And essentially, withdrawing from Brussels means withdrawing from NATO and withdrawing from the United States.
So you could say that the vote to withdraw from Europe is, it’s really a vote of the British middle class, the working class, to withdraw from the U.S. neoliberalism that has been running Europe for the last ten years.
WILPERT: Okay. Unfortunately we’ve run out of time, but thanks so much, Michael, for your insight on this. I’m sure we’ll come back to you again, as we always do. So thanks again for joining us.
HUDSON: Good to be here.
WILPERT: And thank you for watching the Real News Network.


Brexit Vote, What It Means For Subsequent Strategies Against The New World Order
By Mark Dankof: The Brexit Vote of June 23rd, 2016: A Temporary Setback for the New World Order or the Beginning of Its Unraveling?
[This represents the total content of Mark Dankof’s responses on the Brexit vote of June 23rd for Jonas E. Alexis and Veterans Today, which will be posted at that site as individual responses to Mr. Alexis’ compelling questions and observations on the Brexit vote of June 23rd, 2016 and its possible implications for the future struggle against the New World Order.]
Mark Dankof: The Brexit Vote of June 23rd, 2016: A Temporary Setback for the New World Order or the Beginning of Its Unraveling?
The Brexit vote in the UK on June 23, 2016 is the most promising beginning of a revolt against the New World Order and its Globalist Elite in my lifetime.
Two things should be noted by all: First, the Globalist Media Consortiums were proven wrong about Brexit and voter support for it in Britain.
The second point to be absolutely reiterated is the Elite’s panic over the developments of June 23rd. The UK Express Story of June 27th is but the latest example of their ruthless counter reactions to come.
They will stop at nothing to destroy this nationalist uprising in both Europe and the United States.
This includes the deliberate manipulations of markets, money supply, exchange rates, and food supplies to convince the public to Return to Their Masters. It also means more False Flag operations to artificially stimulate fear accompanied by the concurrent Globalist Media Consortium and Hysterical Public demands for new Domestic Police State measures with the installation of more profiling and electronic surveillance without court warrants of peaceful populist, anti-globalist, anti-Zionist activists, parties, and movements.
Brexit01It also means renewed resolve on the part of the New World Order elite for a global war after the American Presidential Election in November.This will be accompanied by a declaration of martial law in the United States if this war transpires, the disarmament of the American public, and the suspension of Constitutional liberties and the Bill of Rights for those who exercise their lawful First Amendment right to protest and resist the Beast.
 The Brexit vote is only a beginning. In the United States, whose Political Elite comprises the backbone of the Beast’s Advancing System in America and its accompanying exportation of New World OrderDemocracy“abroad,the Brexit vote in the UK must be followed by the ultimate achievement of the following goals of the American Populist Movement and the Real Right in this country: These include the termination of the Federal Reserve Board and a return of monetary policy to the Congress of the United States; and the termination of American involvement in NATO, the IMF, the World Bank, the Import-Export Bank, NAFTA, GATT, the FTAA, the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), and any future Globalist Trade Treaties designed to facilitate World Government. Control of American borders and the rejection of the agenda of the disastrous Immigration Reform Act of 1965 have to be included in this package.

Mark Dankof: The Brexit Vote of June 23rd, 2016: A Temporary Setback for the New World Order or the Beginning of Its Unraveling?

The recovery of American national sovereignty over its economy and the rejection of the targeted destruction of a once vibrant American Middle Class must be accompanied by the achievement of three (3) additional essential elements in restoring the Old American Republic:
     First 1): The blatantly un-Constitutional Domestic Police State advancements of the New World Order must be repealed. These include the USA Patriot Acts; the Military Commissions Act of 2006; the warrantless surveillance and data mining programs of the National Security Agency (NSA); and the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The Transportation Safety Administration(TSA) needs to be terminated, along with the involvement of Israeli affiliated companies and individuals in both this agency, and every other agency of the American National Security Nexus. The use of Israeli training seminars for domestic American police departments must end, along with the known direct involvement of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith (ADL) in working with Federal Law Enforcement and State Law Enforcement in profiling American citizens whose sole offense consists of lawfully opposing the hijacking of the country by our Globalist Masters.
Establishment of the Constitutional understanding of the lines of delineation between Federal and State Law Enforcement is an imperative in this context, as is the reinforcement of adherence to Posse Comitatus laws proscribing American military involvement in Domestic Law Enforcement. In this last regard, this priority should be especially obvious with the burgeoning Drone Strike technologies and what The Empire has already done with these technologies in the backyards of other people.

The Samson Option: The New World Order’s Endgame for the Middle East and the World?
Second 2): The recovery of the Old Republic also involves the repudiation of the employment of the American Military as a Janissary Force for Israel, the Central Bankers, and the Multinational Corporate Elite. I have already mentioned the need for the United States to withdraw from NATO.  This must be accompanied by the cessation of the obvious attempts to militarize Eastern Europe and the southern underbelly of Putin’s Russia.  The illegitimate involvement of the United States in supporting the illegal coup d’etat in the Ukraine in February of 2014 and the Wahhabic Sunni terrorists in Libya and Syria must end, as must the pursuit of the Zionist threat to Iran, and all of the American military and intelligence operations in the Middle East designed to enforce the Sykes-Picot Treaty, the Balfour Declaration, and Bretton Woods. This includes most of what has been supported by the United States in the Middle East since 1948, including the acceleration of all of this since 9-11. In this regard, bringing the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) under the strictures of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, ending the role of Dual Citizens and Israeli linked companies in every branch of the American government, and repudiating the insane campaign finance policies of the Citizens United v FEC and McCutcheon v FEC decisions are critically important in regaining control of our own house. You may add to this the application of antitrust legislation to regulate the activities of
Corporate Media Conglomerates where legitimate, and the termination of the activities of the New World Order agenda in NGOs like that of the Open Society Foundation of George Soros and his ideological ilk.

ZionistMarxistQueerflagThe Zionist/NWO Alliance with the Frankfurt School and the LGBT Agenda: Destroying the Christian West, Russia, and the Islamic World With Cancer.
     Third 3): American Old Right Populists must regain the initiative in the Culture Wars catastrophically lost in the last half century. It is essential to understand that a true rejection of the economic and political agenda of the minions of the New World Order must be accompanied by a rejection of the agenda of Cultural Subversion deployed by these people to deliberately target and destroy the moral and spiritual fiber of those who would otherwise constitute the constituency of Massive Resistance to their Game Plan for both the United States and the world at large. I am referring here to the Freudian Psychotherapeutic Minions of the Frankfurt School’s Institute for Social Research, and their targeted sexual defoliation of this country by Hollywood, the Will and Grace and Oprah Winfrey crowd in the American television industry, the Helen Gurley Browns of the Womens Magazine industry, the pornographers in the image of Al Goldstein and his Screw magazine empire of a generation ago, the LGBT hijacking of American culture which culminated in the Obergefell v Hodges Supreme Court decision of a year ago, and the insidious advancements of the abortion industry via the Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision of January of 1973. In regard to a total macrocosmic evaluation of these matters, it is legitimate to see the advancement of the Culture of Death as more than the mere pacification and disarmament of those who otherwise would resist the New World Order. Along with the Empire’s global military expeditions, this domestic agenda for the Cultural Subversion of formerly sovereign nation-states is designed to subvert, divert, destroy, and kill millions physically, even as it destroys the religious, moral, and spiritual resistance and autonomy of those who should be resisting the arrival of the most evil World System ever seen in world history. The understanding of the tragedy of what has happened in the United States is understood by President Putin of Russia and the present leadership of Iran. The recovering of understanding in the United States and Western Europe is the only hope the West has. It may be too late. Time and history will tell.

Vladimir Putin of Russia:  Can He Defend His Nation Against The New World Order’s Toxic Brew of External NATO Military Threats and Economic/Cultural Subversion From Within?
Time and history will reveal whether the Brexit vote of June 23rd will reveal a longer term string of victories for the recovery of Western Civilization or only a mere tactical gain by those who resist the Beast in a just and righteous cause already lost in the United States and Western Europe.  My own evaluation of the prospect of the recovery of Western Civilization in the 21st Century is decidedly pessimistic. I pray I’m proven wrong. In any event, I maintain my internal peace by my faith in the love, grace, and sovereign control of time and history by the Biblical God who has revealed Himself and his future Kingdom in His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. This Kingdom is eternal and supplants all earthly kingdoms and empires. John’s Apocalypse written on Patmos during his exile tells us this. Hence we await whatever comes in our lives with confidence in God’s deliverance in a time of His choosing. For the Christian informed by Biblical Eschatology, the roadmap is one of absolutely evil political, social, economic, military, and spiritual developments between now and the Second Coming of Christ.  For those living in a post-Christian West, it may well be the case that the Confessing Church of Christ will be comprised of a persecuted, marginalized remnant operating underground as a believing community encouraging the Lord’s people in the midst of deception, persecution, economic catastrophes, and global conflict (Matthew 24).  Only God absolutely knows if we are living in the final days of this present cosmos.  But the signs seem suggestive.


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