24 Aug 2016

Walking On Eggshells - MGTOW

"I was coming out of the longest and last relationshit of my life. I felt like everything I did around her had to be done according to her explicit specifications and if it wasn't I was in trouble. By the end I started seeing the world in her eyes and was always afraid of displeasing her. Do you think that this was a form of mental abuse she put me through? Did she intentionally make me afraid to be myself? Because it certainly felt that way and I can't shake the feeling. I'm a free man and can do as I please. Cheers!" - I think the term you're looking for is walking on eggshells. Women have this uncanny ability to make us afraid of displeasing them.
We are constantly check their facial expression and body language to see if we have upset them or not and if we have they get cold and refuse to speak to us and ignore us even when we are in the room. They don't have to say a single word and we know how they feel, disappointed, frustrated, angry or annoyed. We put up with it because if we didn't we wouldn't get sex on a regular basis from women. But the bottom line is that women's behavior is emotional blackmail. We have to be on our best behavior and controlled at all times or else they feel it's necessary to punish us emotionally. And if we are single then again we have to be punished, regardless of if there are any women out there willing to date us or not. It's not so much the punishment which is the problem, usually shaming, the dog house and the cold shoulder. The biggest problem is how women force us to walk on eggshells constantly having to keep censoring ourselves to behave the way that they see as appropriate. They make a man feel bad for being himself and being with women in relationships these days is like tip toeing around the dragon in the Hobbit. You don't want to wake up the beast because if you do it will bite off your head. Women are always walking around eggshells around their so called friends, co-workers and just about everyone except the man in her life. Around him she can generally be as horrible as she wants and he tolerates it because he loves her. The same goes around her children. Besides the obvious financial advantage a woman has when she gets married she also has the advantage of being able to use her own family as an emotional toxic waste dump and tampons. And if anyone says anything to her while she's away from home you can sure bet that she's going to run her verbal diarrhea all over her family. Is this the way things are supposed to be? In the past women were mostly home alone raising the kids. So they didn't get as much emotional baggage as they do today simply by going to work. The real question we should be asking is what do women do when they don't have a man and children to dump their emotional crap onto. When she doesn't have a family to terrorize with her drivel? That's what modern relationships have become. A never ending conversation between an emotional terrorist woman and a tampon man. It's clear that men are willingly subjugate themselves to this torcher because of sex and reproduction. But now it's proving too dangerous and marriage rates are plummeting.

MGTOW Mystery Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iA5Oz...

9 pictures paid for and licensed through BigStock.com (In order of appearance)

1. Nomad Soul - Egg with man inside isolated on gray background

2. robeo - A woman in high heels walking on eggshells

3. Nomad Soul - Broken egg with eye inside

4. Creativa Images - Young businessman is carrying a golden egg investment on his back

5. iordani - black skined woman in big crashed egg. modern easter hipster concept

6. Nomad Soul - Man in the egg-shell

7. viczast - Man hit shell, getting out of eggs. Creative concept

8. Creativa Images - Businessman is walking up with golden egg on mountain

9. Nomad Soul - Egg with man inside isolated on gray background

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